Simplifying Kubernetes with Docker Compose and Friends

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Today we’re happy to announce we’re open sourcing our support for using DockerCompose on Kubernetes. We’ve had this capability in Docker Enterprise for a little while but as of today you will be able to use this on any Kubernetes cluster you choose. Why do I need Compose if I already have Kubernetes?

The Kubernetes API is really quite large. There are more than 50 first-class objects in the latest release, from Pods and Deployments to ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and ResourceQuota. This can lead to a verbosity in configuration, which then needs to be managed by you, the developer.

Let’s look at a concrete example of that. The Sock Shopis the canonical example of a microservices application. It consists of multiple services using different technologies and backends, all packaged up as Docker images.

It also provides example configurations using different tools, including both Compose and raw Kubernetes configuration. Let’s have a look at the relative sizes of those configurations: Describing the exact same multi-service application using just the raw Kubernetes objects takes more than 5 times the amount of configuration than with Compose. That’s not just an upfront cost to author – it’s also an ongoing cost to maintain.

The Kubernetes API is amazingly general purpose – it exposes low-level primitives for building the full range of distributed systems. Compose meanwhile isn’t an API but a high-level tool focused on developer productivity. That’s why combining them together makes sense.

For the common case of a set of interconnected web services, Compose provides an abstraction that simplifies Kubernetes configuration. For everything else you can still drop down to the raw Kubernetes API primitives. Let’s see all that in action.
