Production-Ready Kubernetes Cluster Creation with kubeadm

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This GA release of kubeadm is an important event in the progression of the Kubernetes ecosystem, bringing stability to an area where stability is paramount. The goal of kubeadm is to provide a foundational implementation for Kubernetes cluster setup and administration. kubeadm ships with best-practice defaults but can also be customized to support other ecosystem requirements or vendor-specific approaches.

kubeadm is designed to be easy to integrate into larger deployment systems and tools. To keep kubeadm lean, focused, and vendor/infrastructure agnostic, the following tasks are out of its scope: Infrastructure provisioning, for example, is left to other SIG Cluster Lifecycle projects, such as the Cluster API. Instead, kubeadm covers only the common denominator in every Kubernetes cluster: the control plane.

The user may install their preferred networking solution and other add-ons on top of Kubernetes after cluster creation. General Availability means different things for different projects. For kubeadm, going GA means not only that the process of creating a conformant Kubernetes cluster is now stable, but also that kubeadm is flexible enough to support a wide variety of deployment options.

We now consider kubeadm to have achieved GA-level maturity in each of these important domains: Stable command-line UX — The kubeadm CLI conforms to #5a GA rule of the Kubernetes Deprecation Policy, which states that a command or flag that exists in a GA version must be kept for at least 12 months after deprecation.
