
Demystifying Containers – Part I: Kernel Space

This series of blog posts and corresponding talks aims to provide you with a pragmatic view on containers from a historic perspective. Together we will discover modern cloud architectures layer by layer, which means we will start at the Linux Kernel level and end up at writing our own secure cloud native applications. Simple examples paired with the historic background will guide you from the beginning with a minimal Linux environment up to crafting secure containers, which fit perfectly into todays’ and futures’ orchestration world.
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Docker and Kubernetes in high security environments

This is brief summary of parts of my master’s thesis and the conclusions to draw from it. This medium-story focuses on containerized application isolation. The thesis also covers segmentation of cluster networks in Kubernetes which is not discussed in this story. You can read my full thesis here; it’s available through open access:Container Orchestration in Security Demanding Environments at the Swedish Police Authority. Source:

Dockter: A Docker image builder for researchers

Dependency hell is ubiquitous in the world of software for research, and this affects research transparency and reproducibility. Containerization is one solution to this problem, but it creates new challenges for researchers. Docker is gaining popularity in the research community—but using it efficiently requires solid Dockerfile writing skills. As a part of the Stencila project, which is a platform for creating, collaborating on, and sharing data-driven content, we are developing Dockter, an open source tool that makes it easier for researchers to create Docker images for their projects.
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Introducing Makisu: Uber’s Fast, Reliable Docker Image Builder for Apache Mesos and Kubernetes

To ensure the stable, scalable growth of our diverse tech stack, we leverage a microservices-oriented architecture, letting engineers deploy thousands of services on a dynamic, high-velocity release cycle. These services enable new features to greatly improve the experiences of riders, drivers, and eaters on our platform. Although this paradigm supported hypergrowth in both scale and application complexity, it resulted in serious growing pains given the size and scope of our business.
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Docker App and CNAB

Docker App is a new tool we spoke briefly about back at DockerCon US 2018. We’ve been working on docker-app to make container applications simpler to share and easier to manage across different teams and between different environments, and we open sourced it so you can already download Docker App from GitHub at In talking to others about problems they’ve experienced sharing and collaborating on the broad area we call “applications” we came to a realisation: it’s a more general problem that others have been working on too.
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Simplifying Kubernetes with Docker Compose and Friends

Today we’re happy to announce we’re open sourcing our support for using DockerCompose on Kubernetes. We’ve had this capability in Docker Enterprise for a little while but as of today you will be able to use this on any Kubernetes cluster you choose. Why do I need Compose if I already have Kubernetes? The Kubernetes API is really quite large. There are more than 50 first-class objects in the latest release, from Pods and Deployments to ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and ResourceQuota.
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Introducing Docker Desktop Enterprise

Nearly 1.4 million developers use Docker Desktop every single day because it is the simplest and easiest way for container-based development. Docker Desktop provides the Docker Engine with Swarm and Kubernetes orchestrators right on the desktop, all from a single install. While this is great for an individual user, in enterprise environments administrators often want to automate the Docker Desktop installation and ensure everyone on the development team has the same configuration following enterprise requirements and creating applications based on architectural standards.
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Announcing Cloud Native Application Bundle (CNAB)

As more organizations pursue cloud-native applications and infrastructures for creating modern software environments, it has become clear that there is no single solution in the market for defining and packaging these multi-service, multi-format distributed applications. Real-world applications can now span on-premises infrastructure and cloud-based services, requiring multiple tools like Terraform for the infrastructure, Helm charts and Docker Compose files for the applications, and CloudFormation or ARM templates for the cloud-services. Each of these need to be managed separately.
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What’s in a Docker image?

It’s a good question, and before you know the answer, Docker images can seem pretty mysterious. Not only do I want to give you the answer, but I want to show you how I got there. Let’s start at the beginning. Hopefully you’re all familiar with a Dockerfile – the instructions on how Docker will build an image for you. Here’s a simple example. Each of these lines are instructions to Docker on how to build an image.
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The state of Docker container documentation: some workarounds and a vision for a possible future

TL;DR—As far as I can tell, there’s currently no way of providing documentation for specific containers that we could fairly call canonical, “best practice,” or even all that widely used. This blog post suggests some currently available (but sadly not-great) workarounds but also points to what I think could be a fundamentally better path. Source: