
Understanding How Envoy Sidecar Intercept and Route Traffic in Istio Service Mesh

This article uses Istio’s official bookinfo example to explain how Envoy performs routing forwarding after the traffic entering the Pod and forwarded to Envoy sidecar by iptables, detailing the inbound and outbound processing. For a detailed analysis of traffic interception, see Understanding Envoy Sidecar Proxy Injection and Traffic Interception in Istio Service Mesh. Source:

Istio Multicluster

Istio Multicluster is a feature of Istio–the basis of Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh–that allows for the extension of the service mesh across multiple Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift clusters. The primary goal of this feature is to enable control of services deployed across multiple clusters with a single control plane. The main requirement for Istio multicluster to work is that the pods in the mesh and the Istio control plane can talk to each other.
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Microservices Circuit-Breaker Pattern Implementation: Istio vs. Hystrix

Here is how Istio and Hystrix differ in the implementation of the circuit breaker pattern, handling the lack of availability of a service. There is no denying that in the last few years, technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, to name a few of the most relevant, have revolutionized how we reason about software development and deployment. But whilst the fast pace of the software development industry pushes developers to adopt the most recent technologies, it is important to take a step back and to have a better look at established patterns that enable parts of these technologies.
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Musings about Istio with mTLS

To start this off, I want to make it totally clear, that I think mTLS in Istio is a pretty awesome feature, almost a unique selling point for Istio. But it also has some pitfalls, that can be hard to spot. And yes, this is documented, but it took me a while to understand anyway. In this article I want to provide some information about setup, but also about debugging.
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MicroProfile, the microservice programming model made for Istio

MicroProfile is a fast-growing open community. It is a warm and friendly platform for developers to come together to evolve programming model for cloud-native microservices. Since it was established in June 2016, it has released 6 overall releases and 16 individual specification releases in less than 2 years. Thispage shows which application servers support MicroProfile at which version. Open Libertyis seenas one of the leading implementations of MicroProfile and determined to implement MicroProfile’s latest releases rapidly.
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