
Using Gloo as an ingress gateway with Istio and mTLS (updated for Istio 1.1!)

Istio is a popular open-source service mesh with powerful service-to-service capabilities such as request-routing control, metric collection, distributed tracing, security, et. al. Istio also ships with an ingress-gateway component that makes it easy to get traffic into your service mesh. The Istio ingress gateway allows you to control what protocols, security requirements, and ports get exposed to the outside world, and then use Istio-native routing capabilities to route traffic to services.
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Announcing Istio 1.1

Since we released 1.0 back in July, we’ve done a lot of work to help people get into production. Not surprisingly, we had to do some patch releases (6 so far!), but we’ve also been hard at work adding new features to the product. The theme for 1.1 is Enterprise Ready. We’ve been very pleased to see more and more companies using Istio in production, but as some larger companies tried to adopt Istio they hit some limits.
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Architecting Istio 1.1 for Performance

Hyper-scale, microservice-based cloud environments have been exciting to build but challenging to manage. Along came Kubernetes (container orchestration) in 2014, followed by Istio (container service management) in 2017. Both open-source projects enable developers to scale container-based applications without spending too much time on administration tasks. Now, new enhancements in Istio 1.1 deliver scale-up with improved application performance and service management efficiency. Simulations using our sample commercial airline reservation application show the following improvements, compared to Istio 1.
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How to automatically generate a new metric and a new log stream in Service Mesh

One of the advantage of deploying a microservice-based application in an Istio service mesh is to allow one to externally control service monitoring, tracing, request (version) routing, resiliency testing, security and policy enforcement, etc., in a consistent way across those services, for the application as a whole. In this blog we will focus on the in-depth telemetry side of the house and see how can we configure mixer to collect a uniform set of metrics across all services.
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Use Istio traffic mirroring for quicker debugging

Often when an error occurs, especially in production, one needs to debug the application to create a fix. Unfortunately the input that created the issue is gone. And the test data on file does not trigger the error (otherwise it would have been fixed before delivery). Likewise if one is creating new code, one often wants to see what values a client can supply (and to be honest I have used more than once WireShark to see what is being sent).
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Istio and Kubernetes in production. Part 2. Tracing

In the previous post, we took a look at the building blocks of Service Mesh Istio, got familiar with the system, and went through the questions that new Istio users often ask. In this post, we will look at how to organize the collection of tracing information over the network. The first thing that developers and system administrators think about when they hear the term Service Mesh is tracing.
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Jaeger integration in Kiali

Kiali has the ability to show traces obtained from Istio. Jaeger collects traces for monitoring and troubleshooting microservices-based distributed systems, and both Istio and Kiali use the data that Jaeger provides. Originally this was done via a separate tab in the UI. But that turned out to be impractical. So the Kiali team has been working with the Jaeger team on the Jaeger integration. By improving the Jaeger UI components to make them embeddable, there is better integration between a Kiali selection and a Jaeger selection, making it easier to enrich Jaeger with Kiali information.
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Sidestepping Dependency Ordering with AppSwitch

We are going through an interesting cycle of application decomposition and recomposition. While the microservice paradigm is driving monolithic applications to be broken into separate individual services, the service mesh approach is helping them to be connected back together into well-structured applications. As such, microservices are logically separate but not independent. They are usually closely interdependent and taking them apart introduces many new concerns such as need for mutual authentication between services.
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Combining Federation V2 and Istio Multicluster

In a previous post, we saw how to leverage Istio Multicluster to deploy an application (bookinfo) on multiple Red Hat OpenShift clusters and apply mesh policies on all of the deployed services. We also saw that the deployment process was relatively complex. In this post we are going to see how Federation V2 can help simplify the process of deploying an application to multiple clusters. Federation V2, as the name suggests, is the evolution of the Kubernetes Federation initiative, after the project was rebooted around the beginning of 2018.
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A Crash Course For Running Istio

At Namely we’ve been running with Istio for a year now. Yes, that’s pretty much when it first came out. We had a major performance regression with a Kubernetes cluster, we wanted distributed tracing, and used Istio to bootstrap Jaeger to investigate. We immediately saw the potential of a service mesh as it relates to our infrastructure and decided to make an investment in the tool. It hasn’t always been the smoothest ride, but we have learned a ton about how it works and how to operate it.
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