Solving the challenges of debugging microservices on a container platform

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Microservices have become mainstream in the enterprise. This proliferation of microservices applications generates new problems, which requires a new approach to managing problems. A microservice is a small, independently deployable, and independently scalable software service that is designed to encapsulate a specific semantic function in the larger applicationl.

This article explores several approaches to deploying tools to debug microservices applications on a Kubernetes platform like Red Hat OpenShift, includingOpenTracing, Squash, Telepresence, and creating a Squash Operator in Red Hat Ansible Automation. Importantly, identifying the root cause of issues in microservices application can have a direct business impact. In fact, 40%2to 90%3of total software costs of are typically incurred after launch.

It is important to knowing the right techniques and to deploying the right debugging tools in order to reduce time and money spent to correct software code. Importantly, identifying the root cause of issues in microservices application can have a direct business impact.
