Monitor AWS App Mesh and Envoy with Datadog

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datadog envoy news

Envoy proxies communication among microservices. It is a key component in many service-oriented architecturesâand one that offers a unique opportunity to gain visibility into your service mesh. We’re pleased to announce that Datadog integrates with Envoy as well as AWS App Mesh, a new hosted service based on Envoy that dynamically configures your service mesh proxies.

By integrating Envoy or AWS App Mesh with Datadog, you can monitor the performance of your service mesh and view performance metrics and detailed request traces from all the services in your infrastructure. Envoy is an open source proxy that aims to reduce the complexity of microservices for developers and operators. It functions as the data plane in a service mesh, routing data between the microservices that make up an application.

Envoy is often deployed with a control plane technology such as Istio or AWS App Mesh, which allow you to configure and control your microservices. Originally created by Lyft, Envoy has been hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) since 2017. Envoy can be deployed as both an edge proxy (which provides a single point of ingress for traffic from the internet) and a service proxy (which routes requests between the services in an application).

Each service proxy is deployed as a sidecar alongside each running instance of a service. In this arrangement, applications do not need to be aware of the network, since Envoy provides network routing, as well as load balancing, health checking, and service discovery.
