Microservices Circuit-Breaker Pattern Implementation: Istio vs. Hystrix

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Microservices Circuit-Breaker Pattern Implementation: Istio vs. Hystrix

Here is how Istio and Hystrix differ in the implementation of the circuit breaker pattern, handling the lack of availability of a service. There is no denying that in the last few years, technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, to name a few of the most relevant, have revolutionized how we reason about software development and deployment. But whilst the fast pace of the software development industry pushes developers to adopt the most recent technologies, it is important to take a step back and to have a better look at established patterns that enable parts of these technologies.

The circuit breaker pattern is one of those patterns, widely adopted in microservices architectures. We are going to compare the pros and cons of implementing it with two different approaches: Hystrix and Istio.

Source: exoscale.com