Introducing visx from Airbnb

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Introducing visx from Airbnb

After 3 years of development, 2.5 years of production use at Airbnb, and a rewrite in TypeScript we are excited to announce the official 1.0 release of visx (formerly vx). You can find the project on GitHub and browse documentation and examples on At Airbnb, we made it a goal to unify our visualization stack across the company, and in the process we created a new project that brings together the power of D3 with the joy of React.

Here are the advantages of visx: Keep bundle sizes down. visx is split into multiple packages. Start small and use only what you need.

Un-opinionated on purpose. Bring your own state management, animation library, or CSS-in-JS solution. Odds are good your React app already has an opinion on how animation, theming, or styling is done.

visx is careful not to add another one and integrates with all of them. Not a charting library. As you start using visualization primitives, you’ll end up building your own charting library that’s optimized for your use case.

You’re in control.
