
Announcing Linkerd 2.1

Today we’re very happy to announce the release of Linkerd 2.1. This is our first stable update to 2.0, and introduces a host of goodies, including per-route metrics, service profiles, and a vastly improved dashboard UI. We’ve also added a couple exciting experimental features: proxy auto-injection, single namespace installs, and a high-availability mode for the control plane. Source:

Introducing Makisu: Uber’s Fast, Reliable Docker Image Builder for Apache Mesos and Kubernetes

To ensure the stable, scalable growth of our diverse tech stack, we leverage a microservices-oriented architecture, letting engineers deploy thousands of services on a dynamic, high-velocity release cycle. These services enable new features to greatly improve the experiences of riders, drivers, and eaters on our platform. Although this paradigm supported hypergrowth in both scale and application complexity, it resulted in serious growing pains given the size and scope of our business.
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Docker App and CNAB

Docker App is a new tool we spoke briefly about back at DockerCon US 2018. We’ve been working on docker-app to make container applications simpler to share and easier to manage across different teams and between different environments, and we open sourced it so you can already download Docker App from GitHub at In talking to others about problems they’ve experienced sharing and collaborating on the broad area we call “applications” we came to a realisation: it’s a more general problem that others have been working on too.
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