
Vault Learning Resources: 1.0, Auto-unseal, Agent, Kubernetes

Learn from hands-on labs to build proficiency with Vault 1.0, auto-unseal, Kubernetes, and other secrets management features. Source:

Thanos: long-term storage for your Prometheus Metrics

Thanos is a project that turns your Prometheus installation into a highly available metric system with unlimited storage capacity. From a very high-level view, it does this by deploying a sidecar to Prometheus, which uploads the data blocks to any object storage. A store component downloads the blocks again and makes them accessible to a query component, which has the same API as Prometheus itself. This works nicely with Grafana because its the same API.
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Observability at Scale: Building Uber’s Alerting Ecosystem

Uber’s software architectures consists of thousands of microservices that empower teams to iterate quickly and support our company’s global growth. These microservices support a variety of solutions, such as mobile applications, internal and infrastructure services, and products along with complex configurations that affect these products at city and sub-city levels. To maintain our growth and architecture, Uber’s Observability team built a robust, scalable metrics and alerting pipeline responsible for detecting, mitigating, and notifying engineers of issues with their services as soon as they occur.
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Istio Multicluster

Istio Multicluster is a feature of Istio–the basis of Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh–that allows for the extension of the service mesh across multiple Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift clusters. The primary goal of this feature is to enable control of services deployed across multiple clusters with a single control plane. The main requirement for Istio multicluster to work is that the pods in the mesh and the Istio control plane can talk to each other.
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Kubernetes Federation V2

With datacenters spread across the globe, users are increasingly looking at ways to spread their applications and services across multiple locales or clusters. This need is driven by multiple use cases: from providing high availability, spreading load across multiple clusters while being resilient to individual cluster failures; to avoiding provider lock-in by using hybrid cloud … With datacenters spread across the globe, users are increasingly looking at ways to spread their applications and services across multiple locales or clusters.
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DNS over TLS: Encrypting DNS end-to-end

As a first step toward encrypting the last portion of internet traffic that has historically been cleartext, we have partnered with Cloudflare DNS on a pilot project. This pilot takes advantage of the benefits of Transport Layer Security (TLS) — a widely adopted and proven mechanism for providing authentication and confidentiality between two parties over an insecure channel — in conjunction with DNS. This solution, DNS over TLS (DoT), would encrypt and authenticate the remaining portion of web traffic.
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Stack Overflow: How We Do Monitoring

What is monitoring? As far as I can tell, it means different things to different people. But we more or less agree on the concept. I think. Maybe. Let’s find out! Source:

How Uber Beacon Helps Improve Safety for Riders and Drivers

Globally, there are approximately 1.3 million collision-related fatalities on the road every year. Crash fatalities are still the leading cause of death for people between 15-29 years old, impacting families, communities, and cities. Governments around the world are working to reduce the risks, committing more resources towards improving road safety. At Uber, we want to do our part by committing the power of our technology to help make travel safer for everyone.
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Cape Technical Deep Dive

In this post, we’ll take a deep dive into the design of the Cape framework. First, we’ll discuss Cape’s architecture. Then we’ll look at the core scheduling component of the system. Throughout, we’ll focus the discussion on a few key design decisions. Before we begin, let’s touch on a few of our principles for developing and maintaining Cape. These principles were proposed based on learnings from the development of other systems at Dropbox, especially from Cape’s predecessor Livefill.
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Kubernetes in production

I’ve provisioned Kubernetes clusters on bare metal before and have some examples here on how it can be done with CoreOS ( Warning the content is rather old now and not maintained ) In the beginning a bunch of tools & methods was considered: For network CNI kube-router was used as I became one of the maintainers for it some time ago after writing most of the metrics for it.
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