
Using natural language processing to manage healthcare records

The next time you see your physician, consider the times you fill in a paper form. It may seem trivial, but the information could be crucial to making a better diagnosis. Now consider the other forms of healthcare data that permeate your life—and that of your doctor, nurses, and the clinicians working to keep patients thriving. Forms and diagnostic reports are just two examples. The volume of such information is staggering, yet fully utilizing this data is key to reducing healthcare costs, improving patient outcomes, and other healthcare priorities.
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Demystifying Containers – Part I: Kernel Space

This series of blog posts and corresponding talks aims to provide you with a pragmatic view on containers from a historic perspective. Together we will discover modern cloud architectures layer by layer, which means we will start at the Linux Kernel level and end up at writing our own secure cloud native applications. Simple examples paired with the historic background will guide you from the beginning with a minimal Linux environment up to crafting secure containers, which fit perfectly into todays’ and futures’ orchestration world.
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How much disk space do Prometheus blocks use?

Memory for ingestion is just one part of the resources Prometheus uses, let’s look at disk blocks. Every 2 hours Prometheus compacts the data that has been buffered up in memory onto blocks on disk. This will include the chunks, indexes, tombstones, and various metadata. The main part of this should usually be the chunks themselves, and you can see how much space each sample takes on average by graphing: Combined with rate(prometheus_tsdb_head_samples_appended_total[1h]) for the samples ingested per second, you should have a good idea of how much disk space you need given your retention window.
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Automated High Availability in kubeadm v1.15: Batteries Included But Swappable

The core of the kubeadm interface is quite simple: new control plane nodes are created by you running kubeadm init, worker nodes are joined to the control plane by you running kubeadm join. Also included are common utilities for managing already bootstrapped clusters, such as control plane upgrades, token and certificate renewal. To keep kubeadm lean, focused, and vendor/infrastructure agnostic, the following tasks are out of scope: Those tasks are addressed by other SIG Cluster Lifecycle projects, such as the Cluster API for infrastructure provisioning and management.
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Introducing Volume Cloning Alpha for Kubernetes

Kubernetes v1.15 introduces alpha support for volume cloning. This feature allows you to create new volumes using the contents of existing volumes in the user’s namespace using the Kubernetes API. Many storage systems provide the ability to create a “clone” of a volume. A clone is a duplicate of an existing volume that is its own unique volume on the system, but the data on the source is duplicated to the destination (clone).
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Future of CRDs: Structural Schemas

CustomResourceDefinitions were introduced roughly two years ago as the primary way to extend the Kubernetes API with custom resources. From the beginning they stored arbitrary JSON data, with the exception that kind, apiVersion and metadata had to follow the Kubernetes API conventions. In Kubernetes 1.8 CRDs gained the ability to define an optional OpenAPI v3 based validation schema. By the nature of OpenAPI specifications though—only describing what must be there, not what shouldn’t, and by being potentially incomplete specifications—the Kubernetes API server never knew the complete structure of CustomResource instances.
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Kubernetes 1.15: Extensibility and Continuous Improvement

We’re pleased to announce the delivery of Kubernetes 1.15, our second release of 2019! Kubernetes 1.15 consists of 25 enhancements: 2 moving to stable, 13 in beta, and 10 in alpha. The main themes of this release are: Continuous ImprovementProject sustainability is not just about features. Many SIGs have been working on improving test coverage, ensuring the basics stay reliable, and stability of the core feature set and working on maturing existing features and cleaning up the backlog.
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World’s First “Quantum Drone” for Impenetrable Air-to-Ground Data Links Takes Off

Quantum drones under development in China could lead to nigh unhackable airborne quantum communication networks, a new study finds. Quantum mechanics makes possible a strange phenomenon known as entanglement. Essentially, two or more particles such as photons that get linked or “entangled” can, in theory, influence each other no matter the distance between them. Entanglement is essential to the workings of quantum computers, the networks that would connect them, and the most sophisticated kinds of quantum cryptography—a means of information exchange that is impervious to hacking.
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Announcing Envoy Mobile

Today we are thrilled to announce the initial OSS preview release of Envoy Mobile, an iOS and Android client network library that brings the power of Envoy Proxy to mobile platforms. This is the beginning of a journey that we hope mobile developers around the industry will join us on. When Lyft originally announced Envoy in 2016, the project goal was simply stated as: The network should be transparent to applications.
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Learning AWS App Mesh

At re:Invent 2018, AWS announced AWS App Mesh, a service mesh that provides application-level networking. App Mesh makes it easy for your services to communicate with each other across multiple types of compute infrastructure, including: App Mesh standardizes how your services communicate, giving you end-to-end visibility and ensuring high availability for your applications. Service meshes like App Mesh help you run and monitor HTTP and TCP services at scale.
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