
Yes, you can run VMs on Kubernetes with KubeVirt

Containers and Kubernetes are awesome technologies that enable applications to run without a heavy operating system (OS), as using a virtual machine (VM) would require. Container-first, cloud-native applications are the future, but not every application is suitable to be cloud-native. KubeVirt allows you to run your virtual machines alongside your containers on a Kubernetes platform. Containers and Kubernetes are awesome technologies that enable applications to run without a heavy operating system (OS), as using a virtual machine (VM) would require.
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Telltale: Netflix Application Monitoring Simplified

Our Netflix teams need to quickly detect, diagnose, and remediate problems. Telltale is intelligent monitoring and intelligent alerting. The Telltale application health model yields intelligent monitoring and intelligent alerting. Netflix service owners get alerts they can trust with little configuration and no need for constant tuning. When health problems strike, Telltale presents only the most relevant context and suggests possible causes. An alert fires and you get paged in the middle of the night.
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Introducing visx from Airbnb

After 3 years of development, 2.5 years of production use at Airbnb, and a rewrite in TypeScript we are excited to announce the official 1.0 release of visx (formerly vx). You can find the project on GitHub and browse documentation and examples on At Airbnb, we made it a goal to unify our visualization stack across the company, and in the process we created a new project that brings together the power of D3 with the joy of React.
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How Alibaba Cloud uses Cilium for High-Performance Cloud

A couple of weeks ago, the Alibaba team presented details on the new datapath for the Alibaba Cloud during the SIG Cloud-Provider-Alibaba meeting and also published a blog post with the technical architecture. Guess what, it is all Cilium & eBPF based. Alibaba Cloud is not the first cloud provider to directly embed Cilium. Recently, Google announced the availability of Dataplane V2 based on Cilium & eBPF for GKE and Anthos.
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How to perform a CNI Live Migration from Flannel+Calico to Cilium

Container Network Interface (CNI) is a big topic, but in short, CNI is a set of specifications that define an interface used by container orchestrators to set up networking between containers. In the Kubernetes space, the Kubelet is responsible for calling the CNI installed on the cluster so Pods are attached to the Kubernetes cluster network during creation, and its resources are properly released during deletion. CNIs can also be responsible for more advanced features than just setting up routes in the cluster, such as network policy enforcement, encryption, load balancing, etc.
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Introducing Domain-Oriented Microservice Architecture

Recently there has been substantial discussion around the downsides of service oriented architectures and microservice architectures in particular. While only a few years ago, many people readily adopted microservice architectures due to the numerous benefits they provide such as flexibility in the form of independent deployments, clear ownership, improvements in system stability, and better separation of concerns, in recent years people have begun to decry microservices for their tendency to greatly increase complexity, sometimes making even trivial features difficult to build.
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Cloudflare outage on July 17, 2020

Today a configuration error in our backbone network caused an outage for Internet properties and Cloudflare services that lasted 27 minutes. We saw traffic drop by about 50% across our network. Because of the architecture of our backbone this outage didn’t affect the entire Cloudflare network and was localized to certain geographies. The outage occurred because, while working on an unrelated issue with a segment of the backbone from Newark to Chicago, our network engineering team updated the configuration on a router in Atlanta to alleviate congestion.
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GNU GCC does not round floating-point divisions to the nearest value

I know that floating-point arithmetic is a bit crazy on modern computers. For example, floating-point numbers are not associative: 0.1+(0.2+0.3) = = 0.599999999999999978 (0.1+0.2)+0.3 = = 0.600000000000000089 But, at least, this is fairly consistent in my experience. You should simply not assume fancy properties like associativity to work in the real world. Source:

Python may get pattern matching syntax

The creators of the Python language are mulling a new proposal,PEP 622, that would finally bring a pattern matching statement syntax to Python. The new pattern matching statements would give Python programmers more expressive ways of handling structured data, without having to resort to workarounds. Pattern matching is a common feature of many programming languages, such as switch/case in C. It allows one of a number of possible actions to be taken based on the value of a given variable or expression.
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Samsung Migrates 1.1 Billion Users across Three Continents from Oracle to Amazon Aurora

Samsung completed the EU migration by April 2019, the China migration by October 2019, and the US migration by March 2020, all with minimal downtime. “We had some downtime but not much,” says Jung. “The important thing is that we detected problems quickly and minimized the user impact. After the migration, Samsung is fully prepared for future growth. For example, Aurora now allows Samsung to seamlessly scale up to 15 Aurora Replicas—independent endpoints in an Aurora database cluster used for scaling read operations and increasing availability—across the availability zones in each region.
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