
Vault Learning Resources: 1.0, Auto-unseal, Agent, Kubernetes

Learn from hands-on labs to build proficiency with Vault 1.0, auto-unseal, Kubernetes, and other secrets management features. Source: hashicorp.com

HashiCorp Vault 1.0

Today we are excited to announce the public availability of HashiCorp Vault 1.0. Vault is a tool to manage secrets and protect sensitive data for any infrastructure and application. Vault 1.0 is focused on renovating Vault’s infrastructure to support high performance, scalable workloads. The 1.0 release of Vault includes significant new functionality including: Batch Tokens: A new type of token optimized for high performance, ephemeral workloads. Open Source Cloud Auto Unseal: Cloud-based auto unseal is now open source.
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HashiCorp Consul 1.2: Service Mesh

We are excited to announce the release of HashiCorp Consul 1.2. This release supports a major new feature called Connect that automatically turns any existing Consul cluster into a service mesh solution. Connect enables secure service-to-service communication with automatic TLS encryption and identity-based authorization. Consul is currently deployed on millions of machines worldwide. After upgrading to Consul 1.2 and enabling Connect, any existing cluster will instantly become a service mesh solution that works on any platform: physical machines, cloud, containers, schedulers, and more.
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