
Argo CD v1.0 Released

We’ve just released Argo CD v1.0, which contains several big new features, nearly 30 enhancements, and bug fixes. This release also introduces API stability and a Custom Resource Definition for the application spec. Special thanks to the following contributors (amongst others) for their work on v1.0: Alexander Matyushentsev, Alex Collins, Simon Behar, Paul Brit, Danny Thomson, Jesse Suen, tom-256, Omer Kahani, Sahil Ahuja, and jpresky. The most visible changes in v1.
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Introducing Argo Rollouts

Less than a year ago, we started building Argo CD, a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. The project has been growing in popularity, with many developers and DevOps engineers adopting it. A huge thanks to our awesome community of contributors and users! Today, we are excited to announce Argo Rollouts a new, Kubernetes-native, open source project brought to you by the Argo community and Intuit to provide missing deployment strategies like Blue/Green and Canary in a Kubernetes native and GitOps friendly manner.
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The State of Kubernetes Configuration Management

Configuration management is a hard, unsolved problem. We share some unique insights about the strengths and weaknesses of several popular K8s config management tools. Of all the problems we have confronted, the ones over which the most brainpower, ink, and code have been spilled are related to managing configurations. — Brendan Burns, Brian Grant, David Oppenheimer, Eric Brewer, and John Wilkes, Google Inc. Configuration management is a hard, unsolved problem.
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