Rook v1.0, A Major Milestone

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Rook v1.0, A Major Milestone

The Rook project, as well as its thriving community, has continued to grow and evolve since the initial public release in November 2016. As the code base has matured through a series of minor releases, starting with the humble beginnings of v0.1 and reaching v0.9 late last year, we are incredibly pleased to finally announce the first major release of Rook, version 1.0! We will dive into some of the exciting new features included in this release, but let’s start with a community stats update first.

In somewhat serendipitous timing, the project has just now surpassed over 5,000 stars on GitHub. That’s a delicious cherry on top of the v1.0 release in our opinion. Let’s take a quick look at the growth of the Rook community since it was accepted into the CNCF Incubator in late September of last year: Those numbers clearly show a ton of hard work from the developers and a lot of new interest and excitement from the users.

We are really proud of the entire community! Alongside with this v1.0 release, we felt that the website was starting to show its age and needed an update to capture all the amazing progress that the project has seen. Head on over to and let us know what you think of the new experience, artwork, user guides, and documentation layout!

Similar to previous releases of Rook, the Ceph operator has seen a ton of contributions and advancements. For starters, the quick-start basic use case has been simplified even further to streamline the user experience. You may have thought it was already easy to get started using Ceph storage with Rook, but it’s even easier now than it was before.
