Back to Traefik 2.0

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Back to Traefik 2.0

Back in 2015, a revolution was under way. We were moving from manual, handcrafted infrastructures, to container-based, industrial, and human-free platforms. In those dark ages of orchestration, edge traffic was remarkably difficult to manage.

On one side, we had traditional reverse-proxies that were built for static infrastructures, on the other side, we were building dynamic clusters made to deploy and manage thousands of microservices. The idea of having a simple and automatic edge router, all in one binary, was appealing, but also idealistic. The foundation of Traefik was laid that year, paving the way to building a project with strong values: simplicity of configuration, modern features, and open to the community.

A few years later, the project has reached 21k stars on Github, and more than 600 millions downloads. Insane.
