5 Initiatives to Modernize Jenkins and Kill the Jenkinsteins

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Kohsuke Kawaguchi, creator of Jenkins and CTO at CloudBees, spoke last month at Jenkins World in Nice about five on-going initiatives to modernize the popular CI/CD tool. The initiatives revolve around Jenkins Evergreen, Jenkins Pipeline (Blue Ocean), Jenkins Configuration-as-Code, Jenkins X, and Cloud-Native Jenkins. While open source development is not going to disappear, the future of commercial open source is not very promising.

Cloud providers are adopting open source software without necessarily adding value, or supporting future development. No industry consensus exists on the best way to fund open source development.

Many continue to believe that open source software should be free. This article defines and explains how serverless is different from other application architectures and then walks through a ‘proof’ of sorts to show that serverless application architectures, when done properly, are superior to non-serverless architectures. Finally, it concludes with a number of rules of thumb to help architects and developers realize the benefits of serverless.

Adam Berenzweig talks about brain-computer interfaces, neuromuscular interfaces, and other biosensing techniques that can eliminate the need for physical controllers. Berenzweig also approaches the emerging field of neural interaction design.

Source: infoq.com